After answering your questions in our Ask the Experts post, ARM Fellow and GPU expert Jem Davies agreed to join a live video discussion with me. At 12:00PM ET today (50 minutes from now) we will be hosting a live Google Hangout with Jem Davies. I'll update this post with the stream just before we begin.

We will be accepting questions live if you are able to join the Hangout. As usual, we'll be posting the feed directly to our YouTube Channel once it's over.

Update - Stream below:

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  • chrone - Monday, July 7, 2014 - link

    Does ARM GPU automatically detect and fix overdraw in certain situation or does it use direct rendering as mentioned on Romain Guy article below? Care to elaborate more what's the pros and cons using the autofix overdraw and direct rendering in order to reduce jank in animation, scrolling, and overall UI responsiveness on Android? :)
  • kg4icg - Monday, July 7, 2014 - link

    ask during the hangout which will start in roughly 15 minutes,
  • chrone - Monday, July 7, 2014 - link

    Thanks dude, I will. :)
  • kllrnohj - Tuesday, July 8, 2014 - link

    No, it doesn't. The reason is Android's HWUI doesn't use the Z-buffer at all, every draw command has the same Z depth as far as the GPU is concerned, draw ordering is what determines what you see and what you don't. This is because GUIs are typically full of alpha blended geometry (text, images with alpha channels, etc...) and that *must* be drawn back-to-front thereby resulting in the GPU not knowing it could have rejected a pixel until long after it already drew the pixel.
  • Carolynsa - Monday, August 15, 2016 - link

    Graph with so much correct and good information, bravo!

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