Intel’s Optane SSD 900P featuring 3D XPoint memory have an edge over SSDs based on NAND flash when it comes to performance and promise to excel them in endurance. Meanwhile the Optane SSD 900P lineup is criticized for relatively low capacities — only 240 GB and 480 GB models are available now, which is not enough for hosting large virtual machines. Apparently, Intel has disclosed that there are 960 GB and 1.5 TB models up its sleeve.

Intel on Thursday issued a product change notification informing its customers about the Optane SSD 900P regulatory and other label changes. Among other things, the document lists Intel Optane 900P 960 GB and 1.5 TB drives. The SSDs are mentioned in context with their voltage and current, which may indicate that we are dealing with products that already have their specs, at least when it comes to power consumption. Meanwhile, Intel does not list part numbers of the higher-capacity 960 GB and 1.5 TB Optane drives, so it is unclear whether the SKUs are meant for general availability, or for select customers only.

Intel intends to start shipments of Optane SSD 900P products with new labels on 27 December, but it is unknown when we are going to see the 900P with enlarged capacities. Intel officially positions the Optane SSD 900P for workstations and high-end desktops, which is why two out of three available models come in HHHL form-factor. Therefore, a potential launch of the 900P 960 GB/1.5 TB models in U.2 form-factor may indicate expansion of 3D XPoint to servers that store massive amounts of data. In the meantime, Intel has already confirmed plans to expand capacity of its Optane SSD DC P4800X for datacenters to 1.5 TB, so Optane capacity increases are in the table for Intel.


We have reached out to Intel for comments and will update the news story once we get more information.

Related Reading:

Source: Intel (via ServeTheHome)

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  • Ahnilated - Friday, December 15, 2017 - link

    This stuff is about 3 years late to market if not more. Who really cares about it?
  • Flunk - Friday, December 15, 2017 - link

    Anyone who wants the fastest available consumer SSD?
  • Ahnilated - Friday, December 15, 2017 - link

    If they wanted the fastest system they would get an NVME drive. They are cheaper and better.
  • woggs - Friday, December 15, 2017 - link

    This is an nvme drive.
  • extide - Friday, December 15, 2017 - link

    These are NVMe and blow away any other SSD in heavy workloads, it's like not even fair... (Yeah even Samsung)
  • BigAnvil - Saturday, December 16, 2017 - link

    And you win dumbest comment of the day... You should think before you speak. This drive is overall the fastest and most responsive solid-state drive available. It also doesn't slow when the drive nears capacity.
  • BvO - Wednesday, December 20, 2017 - link

    Hahahaha, never change! You do you!
  • Alistair - Friday, December 15, 2017 - link

    Also anyone who has dealt with Samsung warranty support might not buy another one of their products.

    5 year warranty for the 960 pro. I just tried to use it in Canada. They force you to go to Newegg. Newegg says why are you asking us, it is a manufacturers warranty. 2 weeks later and after phone, text, and email... Samsung still refusing. Their customer support is trained to stall and not provide warranty coverage.

    See this thread:
  • kingpotnoodle - Friday, December 15, 2017 - link

    A lot of people with professional purposes other than a speedy gaming PC will care. Optane drives are expensive but they have high endurance, hit peak performance at lower queue depth and with good consistency. My testing shows them to be well suited for things like cache drives in Windows Storage Spaces or Ceph journals.
  • satai - Friday, December 15, 2017 - link

    It's late and stil the best option for lots of Pros.

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