Bluetooth LE

Data safety is of paramount importance for many enterprise use-cases, and in certain scenarios, for home consumers too. Portable storage devices have typically offered data protection in the form of hardware encryption activated by one of multiple methods. Commonly used protection mechanisms include hardware keypads on the drive, a software application running on the host system with password protection prior to the mounting of the data volume, and biometric protection with, say, a fingerprint reader integrated in the device. Earlier this year, Samsung had launched the Portable SSD T7 Touch with such an integrated fingerprint sensor. Smartphones have become an indispensable part of everyday life, and serve as a digital identity of sorts for the owner. The biometric authentication that allows access to the phone...

CES 2020: Bluetooth SIG Announces LE Audio Standard: New Baseline For Next Decade

Yesterday the Bluetooth SIG has announced and released the newest Bluetooth standard for audio playback: LE Audio. The new standard is a complete new redesign of the audio stack...

48 by Andrei Frumusanu on 1/7/2020

Bluetooth SIG Announces Bluetooth Mesh for Large-Scale Device Networks

The month the Bluetooth SIG has taken the wraps off of their latest standards project: an addition to the Bluetooth specification that enables creation of large networks of devices...

11 by Anton Shilov on 7/25/2017

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