Beyond TV Link 3.5 - Extending the PVR feed

Beyond TV Link basically remains the same as in its beta inception. The only obvious change is the UI change that mirrors the BTV server. We were running two clients off of one server on an 802.11g network and didn't encounter any problems. When we jumped to our 802.11b network, we were running into trouble with skippage on the high quality timeshifting settings. This is something to keep in mind for those planning to set up a PVR network based on Beyond TV.

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Beyond TV 3.5 – Conflict Management Final Words
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  • Puppetman - Saturday, October 9, 2004 - link

    Whoops. Posted a blank.

    Two things I noticed when comparing SnapStream and Sage.

    1) SnapStream explicitly states that it supports the ATI TV Wonder cards (different from the All-In-Wonder cards). SageTV lists a bunch of chip names and product ids at the bottom. Good luck trying to figure that out.

    2) SnapStream has a guide for Canadian tv channels. SageTV is US-only, so if you live in Canada, good luck programming shows or figuring out what's on tv that night.

    Unfort, MythTV had problems with the ATI TV Wonder Pro last time I tried it (due to driver issues). Maybe it's cleaned up.

  • Puppetman - Saturday, October 9, 2004 - link

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