EazyShare — Glitches

On the server, there were two specific glitches that we encountered with MMC 8.8, which will hopefully be resolved in the web release or soon after. First, the network status window doesn't show the connected clients. Supposedly, this is to be an issue with Windows ME due to lack of security in the OS, but not with Windows 2000 or XP. All of our systems were running Windows XP SP1, yet we experienced this glitch.

The second issue encountered was with the aspect ratio setting on the EazyShare server. This setting must be set before the client connects because TV-On-Demand doesn't allow this to be changed during a session. If the server has its aspect ratio set to 1.85:1 or 2.35:1 (letter box or wide screen, respectively), the client doesn't display the same aspect ratio as the server, which it does for the 4:3 and 16:9 (letter box and wide screen, respectively) aspect ratios. Instead, the aspect ratio on the client becomes almost inverted, but we have been unable to calculate how the client comes up with the odd aspect ratio. Basically, the TV window on the client increases its height more than its width and therefore, stretches the TV signal vertically.

EazyShare – Client (continued) EazyShare – Recording
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  • jman037 - Sunday, January 18, 2004 - link

    I have an ATI AIW 9700 Pro on the server with Catalyst 3.10 and Multimedia Center 8.8..and none of my clients can find any servers running on my wired 100base-T network.

    I've totally uninstalled and reinstalled ALL ATI software on all machines several times. I've un-shared and reshared drives. I've tried every different setting I could find. I tried running the client after turning on TV on the server and switching to TV on Demand..(TV on Demand just stutters BTW).

    I'm running an AMD barton 2800+ with 1.5GBof DDR ram. Frankly I've spent over 8 hours on this issue and am at my wit's end.
  • Zoomer - Saturday, December 27, 2003 - link

    #4, it should be the same except you would need something else to change channels.

    I would like to see the AIW component of ati's cards be seperated from the video card. I can't justify paying hundreds more every year or so when I upgrade graphics cards just to have the tuner.

    It would be great if it could be split into 2 components. Perhaps with the AIW part as a daughterboard that's connected internally?
  • belboz - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

    Sorry if I missed this in the article, but how does this all work if you use an external tuner like a cable box or satellite tuner?
  • belboz - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

  • Vanners - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

    But does 8.8 solve my audio synch problem when capturing to DivX?
  • vailr - Tuesday, December 16, 2003 - link

    Any info on the ATI "E-Home Wonder" TV tuner card?
    Will it be released, either retail or OEM, for sale to end users, without the necessity of also having WinXP MCE? (In case you weren't aware of this card, this PCI card includes a hardware MPG2 encoder, as well as analog TV tuner.
    http://www.ati.com/products/ehome/index.html ). Would seem to enable EasyShare at much lower CPU usage, if it were available as a retail product. And, if it worked with MMC 8.8.

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