Origin PC on Wednesday introduced its new gaming laptop aimed at customers looking at mid-range designs. The new EON15-S notebook comes in a sub-1-inch thick chassis and is equipped with a six-core Intel CPU, a GTX 1060 GPU, plenty of storage space, and a 15.6-inch Full-HD display.

The Origin PC EON15-S is based on Intel’s Coffee Lake-H platform and will use Intel’s six-core Core i7-8750H or Core i9-8950HK processors, with optional overclocking. Origin PC will traditionally offer its customers to build their EON15-S systems to order, and can integrate up to 32 GB of DDR4-2667 memory as well as up to two M.2/NVMe SSDs featuring 4 TB of storage in total. As for graphics, the laptops will be offered with NVIDIA’s GeForce GTX 1060 GPU with 6 GB of GDDR5 memory.

One of the key selling points of the EON15-S is its “hybrid” mechanical keyboard featuring individual key RGB lighting as well as WASD and arrow keys covered with a protective layer to improve their durability.


The EON15-S notebook comes with a 15.6-inch Full-HD display, which is good enough considering the installed GPU and positioning of the system as a relatively thin and cost-effective gaming machine. Meanwhile, the laptop also has two mini DisplayPort 1.3 and one HDMI output, therefore supporting up to three external monitors.

When it comes to general I/O connectivity, the EON15-S is outfitted with Intel’s Wireless-AC 9560 CNVi 802.11ac Wi-Fi solution (up to 1.73 Gbps), a GbE port, three USB Type-A connectors (two USB 3.1, one USB 2.0), one USB 3.1 Type-C header, a 2-in-1 SD card reader, and two 3.5-mm audio jacks for input and output. The latter is enhanced with Creative’s Sound Blaster Cinema software to please gamers looking for a more advanced audio subsystem.

Despite being a gaming laptop, the Origin PC EON15-S weighs only 1.54 kilograms (3.4 pounds) and can work for up to eight hours on one battery charge under office workloads.

General Specs of the Origin PC EON15-S
Display Diagonal 15.6"
Resolution 1920×1080
Type IPS (?)
CPU Intel Core i7-8750H or
Intel Core i9-8950HK
GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB
RAM Capacity up to 32 GB
Type DDR4
Storage SSD up to two M.2 SSDs with 4 TB capacity
Wi-Fi 802.11ac Wi-Fi module
(Intel Wireless-AC 9560)
Bluetooth 5
USB 1 × USB 3.0 Type-A
2 × USB 3.1 Type-A
1 × USB 3.? Type-C
Other I/O 2 × mDP 1.3, HDMI, webcam, 3.5-mm connectors for speakers/headphones, microphone
Dimensions Width ?
Length ?
Thickness less than 25.4 mm | 1 inch
Weight 1.54 kg | 3.4 lbs
Battery Capacity ?
Operating System Microsoft Windows 10
Price Varies

Origin PC will start selling its EON15-S PCs starting August 1st with top-of-the-range machines powered by Intel’s Core i9 coming a bit later. Traditionally, systems from Origin PC can feature custom paint jobs for extra personalization.

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  • mobutu - Wednesday, August 1, 2018 - link

    finally, a very decent looking gaming laptop, one can easily work and play on it without all that stupid colors, bling and lighting.
  • DanNeely - Wednesday, August 1, 2018 - link

    Still has special WASD caps, but assuming all the frag harder lights can be turned off better that a lot of other recent entries.
  • Ukyo - Wednesday, August 1, 2018 - link

    an i9 with a 1060? whats the point? isn't that overkill for the gpu? i understand the need for the slim chassis but wouldn't that mess w/ the thermals as well anyways and get throttled?
  • PeachNCream - Thursday, August 2, 2018 - link

    The i9 + 1060 combination doesn't seem sensible even in light of DX12 harnessing additional CPU power for various tasks. It might make sense from a future-proofing perspective, but then again, by the time the additional CPU power becomes necessary or useful, the graphics card will likely be obsolete. The good news is that you can get the system with an i7, saving money while making a more reasonable processor choice at the same time so it isn't a total loss (prices from Origin depending, of course).
  • nerd1 - Thursday, August 2, 2018 - link

    Still better than macbook pro with i9 cpu / AMD gpu.
  • DanNeely - Thursday, August 2, 2018 - link

    Overkill for gaming, may be appropriate if you need a CPU heavy laptop for work that you want to be able to game on in the evenings/etc. For just gaming though, absolutely stick with the i7 and save yourself some cash.
  • GTRagnarok - Wednesday, August 1, 2018 - link

    FYI, the chassis is the Tongfang GK5CN6Z.
  • MamiyaOtaru - Thursday, August 2, 2018 - link

    thanks for this! Always nice to know where stuff actually comes from before someone slaps a logo on
  • r3loaded - Wednesday, August 1, 2018 - link

    Not a knock against the laptop or Origin PC, but a brand new laptop shipping with a 2+ year old GPU is sad to say the least. Nvidia is really squeezing the last pips out of Pascal.
  • jeremyshaw - Wednesday, August 1, 2018 - link

    So... 2 years, about the same intervals as major Nvidia releases. Origin PC choosing to rebrand a 6 month old Chinese ODM laptop is really on them.

    8800GTX (Tesla 1) 8NOV06

    GTX280 (Tesla 2) 17JUN08 +19Months

    GTX480 (Fermi) 26MAR10 +21Months

    GTX680 (Kepler) 22MAR12 +24Months

    GTX980Ti (Maxwell) 2JUN14 +27Months

    GTX1080 (Pascal) 27MAY16 +23Months

    GTX????(Turing?) ??AUG?18 +26?Months?

    So, Nvidia has followed their schedule pretty closely for more than a decade.

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