Energy Efficiency

Next stop is of course power and energy. First we check out idle power. Idle power is measured with one node and one power supply active.

Power at idle

For a system equipped with an LSI SAS 6G and a Mellanox ConnectX-3 FDR Infiniband controller, 168W per node is a very decent power level for our Supermicro 6027TR-D71FRF server. The HP DL380 G7, the most efficient server of the previous generation, needed 158W with 15 4GB DIMMs but with a 460W PSU.

The premium for the iMB buffer is about 1.5W per DIMM, which is a bit higher than expected (1W). Of course we measure at the wall, so some voltage regulation and PSU overhead is added.

As each power line has only a limited amount of amps available in the datacenter, it is good to check power under heavy load.

Average Power during peak load

The LRDIMM equipped server needs 19W more or 2.4W per DIMM. Again, this is a bit higher than expected. To get the complete picture, we measured the total energy consumed during one hour of testing. All configs got the same workload but the LRDIMM equipped servers finished the jobs more quickly.

Energy consumed during 1 hour of testing

The result is that the LRDIMM equipped server is consuming less with three tiles, while the 64GB RDIMM consumes less with two tiles. Better performance results in lower power thanks to the advanced core sleep states of the Xeon E5 "Sandy Bridge EP".

Virtualization Testing Continued Value for Money: LRDIMMs
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  • ddr3memory - Monday, August 6, 2012 - link

    Your article is very interesting - and the first mainstream (and belated) examination of the LRDIMM (new standard - incompatible with RDIMMs) vs. HCDIMM (100% DDR3 RDIMM compatbile) choice for Romley.

    I have whittled down the use case for HCDIMMs/LRDIMMs and RDIMMs as follows:

    The HCDIMM use case is at:
    - 16GB at 3 DPC use
    - 32GB (outperform both RDIMMs and LRDIMMs)

    LRDIMMs are not viable at:
    - 16GB (RDIMMs are better)
    - 32GB (HCDIMMs are better)

    RDIMMs are not viable at:
    - 32GB (because they are 4-rank - trumped by LRDIMMs/HCDIMMs)

    There is a reason the Netlist HCDIMMs were only released on the virtualization servers from IBM/HP - because at 16GB levels the only niche available for LRDIMM/HCDIMM vs. RDIMM is the 3 DPC space. This will expand considerably at 32GB to mainstream levels as soon as 32GB HCDIMMs are released (they are currently in qualification with IBM/HP and have not been announced yet - though maybe expected shortly).

    I had created an infographic covering the memory choices - search the net for the article entitled:

    Infographic - memory buying guide for Romley 2-socket servers

    HCDIMMs are not available at SuperMicro (as they are for IBM/HP) - so I was surprised you even covered HCDIMMs (since the article is after all referring to the SuperMicro line of servers).
  • Casper42 - Friday, August 10, 2012 - link

    BTW, Johan, I work for HP and asked some of the guys in ISS Technical Marketing why we don't send you our servers for eval like you get from SuperMicro and sometimes Dell

    They felt that you guys didn't do alot of Server Reviews, and that your readership wasn't generally the kind of folks that buy HP Servers.

    So I am curious if you could spin up a poll or something in the future to prove them wrong.
    If there is enough support I'm sure we can you some gear to play with.

    I sometimes giggle when I see the stuff people on here get excited about in these reviews though. "Can you see the BIOS through IPMI?". Thats the kind of thing Compaq offered back with the RILOE II and have been integrated into the motherboard since iLO 1 which is like 4 or 5 years old at least.
    iLO4 on the Gen8 line have taken that a step further and we now hook the Display system BEFORE POST starts so instead of an invalid memory config getting you a series of beeps, you now get a full blown screen either on local VGA or on the Remote Console that straight up tells you you have a memory mismatch and why. i have seen his demo'd with NO DIMMs even installed in the server and you still get Video and obvious status messages.
  • Casper42 - Friday, August 10, 2012 - link

    Also you are about $2000 high on the HP SL unless I am missing something.
    I found these prices with QuickSpecs part numbers and Google, nothing magical inside HP.

    Half of one of these:
    Includes 8 fans and 3 PS

    2 of these
    2x2665 with 8GB

    Comes to about $11,600
  • JohanAnandtech - Tuesday, August 14, 2012 - link

    Hey Casper, contact me on my mail... thx!
  • ad99 - Monday, April 1, 2013 - link

    You say:a quad rank DIMM with 4Gb chips is a 32GB DIMM (4 Gbit x 8 x 4 ranks),but I think 4 Gbit x 8 x 4 ranks make only 16GB,is that right?
  • ad99 - Monday, April 1, 2013 - link

    No,4 Gbit x 8 x 4 ranks should be 128GB,not 32GB or 16GB,is that right?

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