Power Consumption

The X270W’s primary focus really isn’t on energy savings, but Sceptre does deliver some surprisingly energy-conscious numbers. We measure power consumption using a Kill-A-Watt EZ at the wall while just displaying the Windows desktop at minimum brightness and maximum brightness.

The X270W’s nemesis is, surprisingly, the G2410H. The numbers are impressive, but keep in mind that the G2410H uses 11 watts while pushing a brightness of 78 nits to the Sceptre’s 18 nits. At its brightest, 293 nits, the Sceptre draws 44 watts. By comparison, the G2410H draws 23 watts at 311 nits. Bear in mind the size difference (24” versus 27”) and it’s clear that the X270W’s power per nit performance isn’t shabby at all.

Analysis: Processing and Input Lag OSD, Speakers, Scaling
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  • jwardell - Friday, November 11, 2011 - link

    Too bad,
    I was looking for a 27" monitor for gaming. This seemed to fill the bill but it looks like it isn't available anymore.
    The Samsung 27" P2770HD is currently available through costco for 270.00 but I suspect with all of the included electronics that the lag time would be longer than for a "pure" monitor.
    Anyone know any reliable reviews of the samsung? I saw one at computerworld.com that stated that the Dell ultrasharp u2711 had a tv tuner! and that the res of the samsung was 2560 x 1440 ( I wish!) waste of time reading that review.

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