Power Consumption

The X270W’s primary focus really isn’t on energy savings, but Sceptre does deliver some surprisingly energy-conscious numbers. We measure power consumption using a Kill-A-Watt EZ at the wall while just displaying the Windows desktop at minimum brightness and maximum brightness.

The X270W’s nemesis is, surprisingly, the G2410H. The numbers are impressive, but keep in mind that the G2410H uses 11 watts while pushing a brightness of 78 nits to the Sceptre’s 18 nits. At its brightest, 293 nits, the Sceptre draws 44 watts. By comparison, the G2410H draws 23 watts at 311 nits. Bear in mind the size difference (24” versus 27”) and it’s clear that the X270W’s power per nit performance isn’t shabby at all.

Analysis: Processing and Input Lag OSD, Speakers, Scaling
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  • Ninjahedge - Wednesday, May 19, 2010 - link


    I know why. i have been doing the multipliocation about desktop space, but the thing is also this.

    When you get 2 stands, 2 usb hubs, 2 power supplies and 2 of every other piece of support equipment included on two seperate 1600x1200 screens AND you are able to buy each for $400 and $450 through special offers 3-5 YEARS ago, you wonder why some of these computer monitors still feel they need to MSRP at $1400 ($1200 on sale if you are lucky).

    I know the resolution is better than a TV, but I am starting to see TV's creep down below $1000 for 1080p sets at 120Hz.....

    Am I chastizing the companies for charging so much? No. It just gets annoying to see a slew of 1080's for $300-$500, but as soon as you bump a little above it the price soars in a non-linear fasion on a technology that is far from new.
  • Toilet Duck - Tuesday, May 18, 2010 - link

    Here is a pretty nice Acer with an adjustable and sturdy base that Ive bought for a few work systems:
  • Necrosaro420 - Wednesday, May 19, 2010 - link

    juzz86, I have the EXACT same monitor, and I have 2 lines that pop up on mine as well, started a little over a year after I purchased it, and they are on the right hand side, but are not quite 1/2 thick, more about 1/8th. And yep after it warms up, they go away.
  • juzz86 - Wednesday, May 19, 2010 - link

    It's a strange issue hey? Must have something to do with the brand of panel used. It would be interesting to see whether owners of other S-PVA models had experienced the same thing, or whether it is just limited to the 2408WFP. Should get some kind of poll/thread going!
  • ReaM - Wednesday, May 19, 2010 - link

    Hey, have you guys read about Dell releasing new 21 and 23 inch IPS Monitors?
    Crappy is that they are also 1080.

    Cmon, man, I had a 1280x1024 since like 2002 and there is still not much improvement with that 1080p.

    I even could work with 1600x1200 on the CRT, but the symbols in WinXP were too small.

    Let's make a pact. We shall refuse to buy 1080 monitors. They should really vanish off the shelves!

    I have nothing against 16:9, if it had 1200 vertical lines, but 1080 is a step back.
  • anactoraaron - Friday, May 21, 2010 - link

    I have 2 of these and one D300s. With the D300s, you could get 1/1250th at 2.8 and not have to deal with the lack of color accuracy (not to mention the grainy images). You should go out and make a "business" purchase of a D300s, they cost twice what the D80 was new and there is just no comparison.
  • sviola - Monday, May 24, 2010 - link

    Hey Brian,

    You could do a review on 23"+ 120 Hz monitors there are two that have been recently released (one from Acer and one from Alienware) and there are more in the way (from LG, Samsung and Asus).
  • ProDigit - Monday, May 24, 2010 - link


    After looking a bit around, I as well would love to have this same review of this monitor versus the Samsung P2770HD.
    That monitor has a built in TV tuner, and has a remote control, and better speakers, reasons enough for me to pay the $70 surplus!

    So far, the spectre of this article doesn't seem to be a bad buy, that is if you are limited to watching movies via pc, or DVD.
    The Samsung will add the option to watch TV as well.

    On the other hand a Digital HD tv tuner box costs about $70; uses an HDMI or DVI connector, but you'll be needing 2 wall sockets, and won't have a remote to adjust colors or contrast on the monitor.

    I'm really interested in the color gamut and other color/brightness/image quality checks you do on those monitors on this Samsung monitor, which in my eyes is the only competitor for the spectre. (the others like Acer often are more expensive, offering you tilt options etc.. most of us don't really need).
  • HollyDOL - Wednesday, June 2, 2010 - link

    well... for FRC I guess you could try with fast motion camera and taking a movie of whole screen in one color... Then checking the shooted movie should be able to show flickering between lighter and darker color...

    as for dithering I'd try something from Eizo Monitor Test, think some of the included tests should be able to show dithering. Though again I think you'll need to take very high resolution image of the screen to be able to zoom on separate subpixels to check the color information...

    Can't think of any easier, more reliable method though.

    As for me I detect FRC/dithering with my headache... two hours with FRC and I am done for. Though that's pretty much subjective and won't be of any help...
  • HollyDOL - Wednesday, June 2, 2010 - link

    P.S. What color patterns do you use? I would love to try with my screen...

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