Gaming Performance: 1080p

All of our game testing results, including other resolutions, can be found in our benchmark database: All gaming tests were with an RTX 2080 Ti.

We are using DDR5 memory at the following settings:

  • DDR5-4800(B) CL40

Civilization VI

(b-7) Civilization VI - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(b-8) Civilization VI - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

(c-7) Deus Ex MD - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(c-8) Deus Ex MD - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Final Fantasy 14

(d-4) Final Fantasy 14 - 1080p Max - Average FPS

Final Fantasy 15

(e-3) Final Fantasy 15 - 1080p Standard - Average FPS

(e-4) Final Fantasy 15 - 1080p Standard - 95th Percentile

World of Tanks

(f-3) World of Tanks - 1080p Standard - Average FPS

(f-4) World of Tanks - 1080p Standard - 95th Percentile

(f-5) World of Tanks - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(f-6) World of Tanks - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Borderlands 3

(g-7) Borderlands 3 - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(g-8) Borderlands 3 - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Far Cry 5

(i-7) Far Cry 5 - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(i-8) Far Cry 5 - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

Gears Tactics

(j-7) Gears Tactics - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(j-8) Gears Tactics - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

Grand Theft Auto V

(k-7) Grand Theft Auto V - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(k-8) Grand Theft Auto V - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Red Dead Redemption 2

(l-7) Red Dead 2 - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(l-8) Red Dead 2 - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Strange Brigade (DirectX 12)

(m-7) Strange Brigade DX12 - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(m-8) Strange Brigade DX12 - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

Strange Brigade (Vulcan)

(n-7) Strange Brigade Vulkan - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(n-8) Strange Brigade Vulkan - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

When gaming at 1080p with our NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, the Intel Core i7 and Core i5 both excel due to higher core frequency and IPC performance compared to AMD's Zen 3 core. It's worth highlighting that both architectures perform well enough to remain competitive, but Intel has the edge here.

Gaming Performance: iGPU Gaming Performance: 4K
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  • ballsystemlord - Saturday, April 2, 2022 - link

    Not being a financial guy, I'm just a bit lost here. Please clarify. I will try to explain what I don't understand.

    Intel gives a rebate for using their CPUs in designs, but only if the OEMs sell them? Then the retailers also get a rebate on the sale of the product?

    Intel doubles production of CPUs every year. How do they get rid of them all? If that was working, why did they switch to demand based production for Ice and Alder Lake?

  • Qasar - Sunday, April 3, 2022 - link

    ballsystemlord, wow, you actually read all of that ? i started to, but the more i read, the more it sounded like it was all just made up babble. i have asked him to post sources for his " info " but never does, just posts a link to his OWN site, which, also has NO links to sources. some of his posts, sound like he was drunk when he typed them.
  • mode_13h - Sunday, April 3, 2022 - link

    I'm not really sure what to make of it. I treat it mostly as noise, unless/until someone who seems to know their stuff can either challenge or vouch for it.

    My biggest concern is that these posts are really just a sophisticated form of stock price manipulation, but that's not a claim I'm ready to make. I feels pretty unpleasant when the news comments are used to further someone's agenda, so I hope that's not what this is about.
  • Qasar - Sunday, April 3, 2022 - link

    considering what his posts contain most of the time, and the fact the only link he posts, is to his own page, to me, thats exactly what it is, nothing more. he is trying to promote himself, and how he puts " Mike Bruzzone, Camp Marketing " at the end, kind of proves that.

    which is why most of the time, i just skip over his posts. its just spam and bs.
  • Mike Bruzzone - Sunday, April 3, 2022 - link

    @mode_13th Think of it as industry and business news most media won't touch for fear of retaliation. Over 30 years denials of access to Intel, to Intel processors, industry boycott, individual blacklist, Intel and agents targeting competitors to destroy economically.

    Since 1991 there are only three x86 original survivors; me, AMD and Nvidia. I make no money from this task cultivating awareness and understating of primarily the open commerce issues. Nor am I a fan of many Intel invented realities.

    I am not paid in my auditor monitor role. The assignment only pays when Intel Inside price fix is recovered on my USDOJ contract that pays a percentage of the Intel Inside federal procurement price fix over charge only. Why I represent 27 States as well, and could collect bounties from States on their Intel Inside citizen specific recoveries, I have waived States bounty on our constituent pact to successfully recover Intel Inside for return to all end buyers. A cartel sales administration cost for registered metering reports to Intel. Think of it as a clandestine tax, illegally robbed at Sherman Act 15 USC 1 by an Intel contracted combine at15 USC 2 intent on conduct to monopolize, Intel false certifications and sales contracts specific Intel Inside requirement prove the case. Then at 18 USC 1962c which is the State AG claim routing processors sold in box and integrated into computers across State lines for what is essentially a clandestine consumer toll way charge. In this example it's called a route fee charge. That charge is again the cost of metering Intel processor sales flow paid by the end buyer in Intel processor price. In the 18 USC 1962c example for exclusive dealing that crosses state lines. Mail fraud is a related example when relied to ship OEM direct PC purchases to the buyer and that OEM cashes in on the Intel Inside route charge cost to the end buyer paid by Intel. mb
  • Mike Bruzzone - Sunday, April 3, 2022 - link

    @Qasar, I've mentioned I am the source. I am the data scientist, the production economist on raw data, the industrial management scientist, general systems technician just like any other analyst who assesses raw data to determine a greater result. I do all my own data collection for the most part it's primary research. I have no secondary source to point too, unless for example the data is from annual or quarterly 10K/Q. My work is mostly from raw data. I am the source of that data's interpretation. I've mentioned much of the data is eBay seller data; unduplicated offers, which is what AMD, Intel and Nvidia rely in house to do the exact same job I do but in my case for the Federal Trade Commission; production economics and supply chain management. But with a twist, that is posting the data and my analysis publicly for government transparency specific FTC v Intel 15 USC 5 Docket 9341. I am a federal attorney enlisted, in an academic role I recommend to no one, Docket 9341 consent order auditor monitor; AMD, Intel, Nvidia, VIA and also includes Arm in relation x86 specifically. mb
  • Qasar - Sunday, April 3, 2022 - link

    " @Qasar, I've mentioned I am the source " ahh, so in other words, you pull these number and info out of your butt, and it is completely made up. got it. with out legitimate sources, and links to those sources, all of your posts are just fluff, and BS... good thing i skip over most of your posts then.
  • Mike Bruzzone - Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - link

    @Qasar, maybe I should put u to work on this as virtual resource to "see this is not fluff", how much time do u have [?], see my SA comment and blog post string and let me know what u r interested in, totally a citizen assignment of course. mb
  • Qasar - Wednesday, April 6, 2022 - link

    sorry mike, but your posts are fluff, once you post sources to where you get your info from, then they might not be. but till then, they look like they are made up with random info, and posting your own site as a source, is not a source.
  • Mike Bruzzone - Wednesday, April 6, 2022 - link

    Quasar, fluff? then is Jon Peddie Research a source, Mercury Research, IDC, Gartner, Canalysis none can show their data or work. I'm the only one who shows my data and proof of work.

    My data is from ebay, seller offers, I do the same job people ldo inside AMD, Intel and Nvidia keeping track of channel supply volume that can be directly applied to micro production economic assessment and is used by AMD, Intel, Nvidia primarily for channel sales management.

    If my site is not a source then, from your perspective, neither is JPR, Mercury, IDC, Gartner, Canalysis, Micro Design Resources, published of Microprocessor Report, not a source?

    Sorry to joust with you. Please define source?

    Regards, mb

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