Gaming Performance: 1080p

All of our game testing results, including other resolutions, can be found in our benchmark database: All gaming tests were with an RTX 2080 Ti.

We are using DDR5 memory at the following settings:

  • DDR5-4800(B) CL40

Civilization VI

(b-7) Civilization VI - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(b-8) Civilization VI - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

(c-7) Deus Ex MD - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(c-8) Deus Ex MD - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Final Fantasy 14

(d-4) Final Fantasy 14 - 1080p Max - Average FPS

Final Fantasy 15

(e-3) Final Fantasy 15 - 1080p Standard - Average FPS

(e-4) Final Fantasy 15 - 1080p Standard - 95th Percentile

World of Tanks

(f-3) World of Tanks - 1080p Standard - Average FPS

(f-4) World of Tanks - 1080p Standard - 95th Percentile

(f-5) World of Tanks - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(f-6) World of Tanks - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Borderlands 3

(g-7) Borderlands 3 - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(g-8) Borderlands 3 - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Far Cry 5

(i-7) Far Cry 5 - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(i-8) Far Cry 5 - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

Gears Tactics

(j-7) Gears Tactics - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(j-8) Gears Tactics - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

Grand Theft Auto V

(k-7) Grand Theft Auto V - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(k-8) Grand Theft Auto V - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Red Dead Redemption 2

(l-7) Red Dead 2 - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(l-8) Red Dead 2 - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Strange Brigade (DirectX 12)

(m-7) Strange Brigade DX12 - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(m-8) Strange Brigade DX12 - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

Strange Brigade (Vulcan)

(n-7) Strange Brigade Vulkan - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(n-8) Strange Brigade Vulkan - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

When gaming at 1080p with our NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, the Intel Core i7 and Core i5 both excel due to higher core frequency and IPC performance compared to AMD's Zen 3 core. It's worth highlighting that both architectures perform well enough to remain competitive, but Intel has the edge here.

Gaming Performance: iGPU Gaming Performance: 4K
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  • Qasar - Friday, April 1, 2022 - link

    i still have issues with the intel systems i used to use. lan drivers on x58, and sata on x99. i solved those issues, buy upgrading tthem to ryzen based comps last year. no issues since.. even usb ones.
  • Khanan - Sunday, April 3, 2022 - link

    AMD was already very mature since Zen+, so if you had problems with 3rd gen products it is most likely your own issue. I used Zen 2 without any issues for 2 years now and Zen 3 is even better, millions of others will confirm what I say.
  • Khanan - Sunday, April 3, 2022 - link

    I wanna add: calling a product “beta” that millions of people love and regard just shows you’re living in a world of your own with full ignorance of what anyone else thinks. Good luck
  • Qasar - Sunday, April 3, 2022 - link

    ignore dwade, if irememeber right, he loves intel only. and his posts usually bash amd in some way.
    i have 4 zen comps here, no isses as well.
  • Khanan - Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - link

    It’s puzzling to me why a Intel fan would buy a AMD product, I guess Intel didn’t live up to his expectations.
  • Qasar - Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - link

    my guess, he never really bought one, and is just making crap up, just to bash amd, and proclaim how much better intel is.
  • Zim - Thursday, March 31, 2022 - link

    There is something fundamentally wrong with the concept a processor with gimped cores. I for one don't intend to buy into it.
  • mode_13h - Friday, April 1, 2022 - link

    What do you mean "gimped cores"? Are you talking about the lack of AVX-512?

    Did you know that Intel has been disabling features on their desktop CPUs for at least a decade? Things like vPro, ECC support, and virtualization enhancements have been fused off and limited to people buying the Xeon-branded versions of the same CPUs.

    AMD has also engaged in this, to a lesser extent, reserving ECC support for only their Ryzen Pro APU, as well as a few other features.
  • kickstnd - Saturday, April 2, 2022 - link

    This almost seems to be an Intel Commercial. No mention of the extreme motherboard prices that won't be used for the next CPU, the larger Watercooling needed, the bigger power supply needed, and don't forget the Bigger Electric Bill to boot. You are paying out the A&$ for that little extra performance by not being GREEN.
    I run 3 AMD PCs for Folding@home (#5 on Toms Hardware Team). My utility bill is $450-500/month. I can't imagine how high it would be with Intel CPU spinning the meter.... LOL
  • DannyH246 - Wednesday, April 6, 2022 - link

    Sadly most of Anandtech's articles are just that. Intel Commercials.

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