Gaming Performance: 1080p

All of our game testing results, including other resolutions, can be found in our benchmark database: All gaming tests were with an RTX 2080 Ti.

We are using DDR5 memory at the following settings:

  • DDR5-4800(B) CL40

Civilization VI

(b-7) Civilization VI - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(b-8) Civilization VI - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

(c-7) Deus Ex MD - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(c-8) Deus Ex MD - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Final Fantasy 14

(d-4) Final Fantasy 14 - 1080p Max - Average FPS

Final Fantasy 15

(e-3) Final Fantasy 15 - 1080p Standard - Average FPS

(e-4) Final Fantasy 15 - 1080p Standard - 95th Percentile

World of Tanks

(f-3) World of Tanks - 1080p Standard - Average FPS

(f-4) World of Tanks - 1080p Standard - 95th Percentile

(f-5) World of Tanks - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(f-6) World of Tanks - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Borderlands 3

(g-7) Borderlands 3 - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(g-8) Borderlands 3 - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Far Cry 5

(i-7) Far Cry 5 - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(i-8) Far Cry 5 - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

Gears Tactics

(j-7) Gears Tactics - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(j-8) Gears Tactics - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

Grand Theft Auto V

(k-7) Grand Theft Auto V - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(k-8) Grand Theft Auto V - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Red Dead Redemption 2

(l-7) Red Dead 2 - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(l-8) Red Dead 2 - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Strange Brigade (DirectX 12)

(m-7) Strange Brigade DX12 - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(m-8) Strange Brigade DX12 - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

Strange Brigade (Vulcan)

(n-7) Strange Brigade Vulkan - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(n-8) Strange Brigade Vulkan - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

When gaming at 1080p with our NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, the Intel Core i7 and Core i5 both excel due to higher core frequency and IPC performance compared to AMD's Zen 3 core. It's worth highlighting that both architectures perform well enough to remain competitive, but Intel has the edge here.

Gaming Performance: iGPU Gaming Performance: 4K
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  • mode_13h - Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - link

    > it’s a deep psychological insecurity.

    Having observed that I see all new posts, why is it that you feel the need to repeat yourself? Do you think I'll suddenly come to accept your diagnosis only the 3rd or 4th time? Perhaps you can understand that, with each repetition, your concerns seem that much less sincere.

    Perhaps you don't know this, but a proper psychologist would never attempt to diagnose someone on the basis of a few forum posts or even youtube videos. From the sound of it, perhaps you're projecting your own issues onto the phantasm of me you've conjured.

    A more cynical take, on which I'll not dwell, is that perhaps your true objective is to discredit someone you know will hold you to account for any disingenuous claims you make. I'll put that notion aside, and let your actions speak for themselves.
  • Khanan - Thursday, April 7, 2022 - link

    Only a hobby psychologist not a true one, whatever true means. And yes you can do whatever you want and forget anything I told you no problem. Have a nice day
  • mode_13h - Monday, April 4, 2022 - link

    (attacking me to distract from your own misbehavior)

    I see what you did, there.
  • Khanan - Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - link

    Oh no problem, I’m not perfect either, I can admit it. I deal with my own shit.
  • Silver5urfer - Wednesday, March 30, 2022 - link

    I posted this issue many times here. AMD's Zen 3 is flawed so is Zen 2. The issue is from IOD. It's having hardware issues. The thing is IOD handles all the I/O, and PCIe. Which has USB ports. This issue started since Zen 3 release and it persists even today. They released many BIOS updates but none of them solve. I waited for a whole year, because I wanted to hear about X3D refresh and before that B2 Stepping of Zen 3. None of them fixed at all.

    People still have problems on Stock. And once you touch the DRAM, the Fabric and DRAM clocks ratio with high speed RAM it gets more annoying and on top you have to test that Core Recycler and run the curve optimization which is another giant head ache to find the stability of the clock.

    Zen has a lot of firmware issues. The only solution is to run PBO2 and let it run at the XFR speeds and DRAM do not go over 3600MHz.The bigger problem was how X3D entire stack how it was going to play, and now AMD even locked the Voltage and OC on that CPU, so you are screwed no matter what as they did not and will not put more R&D and effort into optimizing since they have EPYC X taking plus AM4 refresh along with Genoa, since not all of them face this USB flaky issues, they won't care. Go and search USB on r/AMD and see the problems.

    Intel 12th gen is not good either, because of the LGA1700 ILM issues and the DRAM DDR5 problems, it's a brand new test platform, which is why it has DDR4 support too, but the advantage of DDR5 is not great now. So I chose the 10th gen it has super fast and stable Clocks with solid IMC in Gear 1 and fast MT performance only sacrifice was to get DMI choked up, but I won't be hammering all the I/O so it's ok. Waiting for Zen 4 is again a big headache since AMD needs to refine their Firmware optimization need to be improved heavily.

    Oh and biggest of all ZERO Documentation, so all the IOD and BIOS voltages and names, one must scour reddit and all the forums, for Intel I can search in the Datasheet itself and find out myself.
  • Spunjji - Friday, April 1, 2022 - link

    Yes, you have posted this issue many times here. For Reasons.
  • SunMaster - Wednesday, March 30, 2022 - link

    >AMD still isn't as mature as INTEL when it comes to baseline reliability and compatibility.

    Are you for real?
  • AshlayW - Wednesday, March 30, 2022 - link

    Let's also not forget the fTPM lag bug that's plagued Ryzen... forever. they only just ACKNOWLEDGED IT, let alone getting it fixed. My next platform will probably be Intel
  • Khanan - Thursday, April 7, 2022 - link

    You have no clue about Pc tech else you would know that Intel had numerous bugs and security problems as well, the latter way more than AMD. Good luck with your buying decisions
  • Spunjji - Friday, April 1, 2022 - link

    Oh boy, another off-topic complain about USB on Ryzen. You can always rely on some "person" to post one of these.

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