Gaming Performance: 1080p

While a quad core processor is not going to be the first choice for gaming these days (especially when consoles have had 8 cores for the past two generations), 4 Golden Cove P cores still put up enough of a fight that the CPU is never too much of a limiting factor. Here we never drop below a 60fps average on any game.

All of our game testing results, including other resolutions, can be found in our benchmark database: All gaming tests were with an RTX 2080 Ti.

For the Core i3-12300, we are running DDR5 memory at the following settings:

  • DDR5-4800(B) CL40

Civilization VI

(b-7) Civilization VI - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(b-8) Civilization VI - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

(c-7) Deus Ex MD - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(c-8) Deus Ex MD - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Final Fantasy 14

(d-4) Final Fantasy 14 - 1080p Max - Average FPS

Final Fantasy 15

(e-3) Final Fantasy 15 - 1080p Standard - Average FPS

(e-4) Final Fantasy 15 - 1080p Standard - 95th Percentile

World of Tanks

(f-3) World of Tanks - 1080p Standard - Average FPS

(f-4) World of Tanks - 1080p Standard - 95th Percentile

(f-5) World of Tanks - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(f-6) World of Tanks - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Borderlands 3

(g-7) Borderlands 3 - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(g-8) Borderlands 3 - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Far Cry 5

(i-7) Far Cry 5 - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(i-8) Far Cry 5 - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

Gears Tactics

(j-7) Gears Tactics - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(j-8) Gears Tactics - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

Grand Theft Auto V

(k-7) Grand Theft Auto V - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(k-8) Grand Theft Auto V - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Red Dead Redemption 2

(l-7) Red Dead 2 - 1080p Max - Average FPS

(l-8) Red Dead 2 - 1080p Max - 95th Percentile

Strange Brigade (DirectX 12)

(m-7) Strange Brigade DX12 - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(m-8) Strange Brigade DX12 - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

Strange Brigade (Vulcan)

(n-7) Strange Brigade Vulkan - 1080p Ultra - Average FPS

(n-8) Strange Brigade Vulkan - 1080p Ultra - 95th Percentile

CPU Benchmark Performance: Legacy and Web Conclusion
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  • Makaveli - Thursday, March 3, 2022 - link

    DDR4-3200 CL22

    Don't know anyone using DDR4 with that high cas latency.

    Going to CL14 memory will most likely remove the gap in gaming.
  • Oxford Guy - Thursday, March 3, 2022 - link

    CL16 3200 RAM was cheap many many years ago and I have not heard of a single stability problem with any platform other than Zen 1, which was quite special.

    It’s preposterous to run 3200-speed RAM at anything slower than CL16.
  • mode_13h - Thursday, March 3, 2022 - link

    Regarding the review:

    * Glad to see the DDR4 vs. DDR5 comparison.

    * Sad to see DDR5 used for remainder of benchmarks, given current price & availability. People buying a sub-$150 CPU won't be using DDR5, making these benchmarks unrealistic.

    * Sad to see minimal analysis of power consumption. I believe much of their advantage over the Ryzen R3 5300G comes from burning more power and DDR5, but without power measurements on individual benchmarks, we can't compute perf/W or make other conclusions about this.

    * Glad to see the 5300G showing up, where it did.

    * Glad to see the i7-6700K (and i7-2600K) sometimes making an appearance. So very interesting that a couple benchmarks showed the i7-6700K with roughly equal performance!

    * On the last page, Turbo power is mistakenly stated as 69 W, although the first page chart correctly lists it as 89 W.

    * Please ask Ian to open source his 3D Particle Movement benchmark, or stop using it. As the rest of your benchmarks are publicly available & independently verifiable, this is only fair.

    Regarding the CPU:

    * Definitely a performance bargain, if you can get it near list price!

    * Sad to see doesn't specify ECC support (which IMO means probably not... but check the docs of any LGA 1700 ECC-capable motherboard to be sure).
  • lmcd - Thursday, March 3, 2022 - link

    Ironically DDR5 benchmarks can be used to get a sense of what using higher-speed DDR4 can unlock.
  • Calin - Friday, March 4, 2022 - link

    "Sad to see DDR5 used for remainder of benchmarks,"
    As a lower performance processor, DDR5 wouldn't bring too much to the table. They specify a 5-10% increase in performance with DDR5, with an average of some 6%.
    So, basically nothing would change in the benchmarks - a 10% performance difference could easily be ignored for many other factors (price, availability, necessary power/cooling, ...)
  • mode_13h - Saturday, March 5, 2022 - link

    > So, basically nothing would change in the benchmarks -
    > a 10% performance difference could easily be ignored

    That's ridiculous. 10% is certainly significant. I would consider <= 1% to be down in the noise.
  • Calin - Monday, March 7, 2022 - link

    3% used to be Anand's Anandtech "noise".
    I wouldn't care for a 10% - 25 seconds compile time down to 22... or editing images, 50 images to take 54 seconds instead of one minute.
    That's the reason Intel used to compare new processors to 3 generations old ones (3-5 years old). The improvement over multiple generations grew to a nice 25% or more (at least in some benchmarks). But, if all you do takes seconds or minutes, that 10% reduction in time (or 10% increase in throughput) is almost never truly useful.
  • mode_13h - Tuesday, March 8, 2022 - link

    > But, if all you do takes seconds or minutes, that 10% reduction in time
    > (or 10% increase in throughput) is almost never truly useful.

    I'm not talking about upgrading for an absolute increase of 10%. However, 10% is a lot of error to stack with whatever else you're comparing against.

    Either the accuracy of the benchmarks matters or it doesn't. If not, then obviously we don't need to bother about 10%. If it does, then 10% is too much to ignore.
  • Ryan Smith - Friday, March 4, 2022 - link

    "Sad to see DDR5 used for remainder of benchmarks, given current price & availability. People buying a sub-$150 CPU won't be using DDR5, making these benchmarks unrealistic."

    Including the DDR4 vs. DDR5 numbers was our compromise, here. We're going to be using this dataset for a long time going forward; it didn't make much sense to base everything around DDR4, and thus unnecessarily kneecapping the CPU in current and future comparisons.
  • Alistair - Thursday, March 3, 2022 - link

    I would like to point out that it has been five months already, still can not buy a single quad core CPU. Intel is teasing us with a good cheap product, but it doesn't actually exist. If and when it finally shows up, it will probably be overpriced (over $200 CAD?) so this product might as well not exist.

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