Gaming: Final Fantasy XV

Upon arriving to PC earlier this, Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition was given a graphical overhaul as it was ported over from console, fruits of their successful partnership with NVIDIA, with hardly any hint of the troubles during Final Fantasy XV's original production and development.

In preparation for the launch, Square Enix opted to release a standalone benchmark that they have since updated. Using the Final Fantasy XV standalone benchmark gives us a lengthy standardized sequence to record, although it should be noted that its heavy use of NVIDIA technology means that the Maximum setting has problems - it renders items off screen. To get around this, we use the standard preset which does not have these issues.

Square Enix has patched the benchmark with custom graphics settings and bugfixes to be much more accurate in profiling in-game performance and graphical options. For our testing, we run the standard benchmark with a FRAPs overlay, taking a 6 minute recording of the test.

All of our benchmark results can also be found in our benchmark engine, Bench.

AnandTech IGP Low Medium High
Average FPS
95th Percentile


Gaming: World of Tanks enCore Gaming: Shadow of War
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  • Supercell99 - Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - link

    I tend to agree, they can low ball AMD for a few years until the catch up. Assuming they completely screw up the 10 nm deployment going into 2022. It takes 3-5 years for for an industry to fully adopt switch course on a mainstream microprocessor.
  • Korguz - Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - link

    " they can low ball AMD for a few years until they catch up " not if their investors and shareholders have anything to say about that......
  • Chaitanya - Monday, November 25, 2019 - link

    Impressive to say the least.
  • Paul-RP12 - Monday, November 25, 2019 - link

    Intel destroyed. This is the end, this is the sunset of the empire
  • yankeeDDL - Monday, November 25, 2019 - link

    I wonder how long will it take Intel to go fabless. Now, that would be a shift ... I think it is inevitable.
  • milkywayer - Monday, November 25, 2019 - link

    That's what you get for milking the same s****y 4 core cpus for years until the competition not only catches up but also surpasses you. Intel deserved every bich slap this year from AMD.
  • Paul-RP12 - Monday, November 25, 2019 - link

    Intel has no chance. they do not have an effective architecture, they do not have a modern technical process. They are hopelessly behind. 3970x of 2000 usd upside about 20% (in applications that use all the cores) Xeon W-3175X of 3000 usd. Its so crazy!!
  • TEAMSWITCHER - Monday, November 25, 2019 - link

    Intel's quarterly profit is still more than AMD's revenue. AMD can't make enough products to change that.
  • eva02langley - Monday, November 25, 2019 - link

    I said 10 years last year... so maybe around 9 now.
  • niva - Monday, November 25, 2019 - link

    I hope they never go fabless, it will be a big problem for consumers in the end... unfortunately it may happen.

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