Camera - Daylight Evaluation

The Mi9’s camera setup is certainly a key factor for the device. The combination of a triple camera setup at this price range is very uncommon, and Xiaomi historically has had quite good post-processing calibration. It’s also a new vendor amongst the many IMX586 6 implementations we’ve seen this year, giving us another look at how post-processing can differ results of the same hardware.

Click for full image
[ Mi9 ] - [ S10+ (E) ] - [ S10+ (S) ]
[ Xperia 1 ] - [ P30 Pro ] - [ Reno 10x ]
[ G8 ] - [ BlackShark 2 ] - [ RedMagic 3 ]
[ Pixel 3 ] - [ iPhone XS ]

In the first shot we see the Mi9 do very well in terms of the exposure. For this comparison I didn’t quite have all the IMX586 phones included, however I think this was probably the best showing of all the devices out there. Xiaomi’s processing still managed to accurately capture the lighting of the scene all without unnaturally darkening shadows or eating up the highlights.

Particularly the colour balance was spot on, another thing I noticed many phones have issues with in this scene. The Mi9 even populates the EXIF of the shot with the correct D55 WB illuminant.

In terms of detail, the Mi9 doesn’t stand out too much, but this was again expected of the camera sensor whose quad-bayer sensor design doesn’t seem to be able to have as quite good spatial resolution and pixel deep trench isolation as classical native bayer sensors.

The wide-angle shot also does very well in terms of exposure and colour-balance. Detail is also relatively strong compared to other wide-angle cameras, but clearly loses to the P30 Pro or Xperia 1. Also note that the wide angle is noticeably narrower than that of the S10 for example.

The telephoto shot is very good again in terms of composition and I don’t have much negative to say about it.

Click for full image
[ Mi9 ] - [ S10+ (E) ] - [ S10+ (S) ]
[ Xperia 1 ] - [ P30 Pro ] - [ Reno 10x ]
[ G8 ] - [ BlackShark 2 ] - [ RedMagic 3 ]
[ Pixel 3 ] - [ iPhone XS ]

In this shot, I think the Mi9’s colour temperature is just a tad too warm, but not too overly off. What’s noticeable here is that the capture is lacking a bit in dynamic range, for example crushing the shadows on the left car far too much, although I can’t say the Reno 10x with the same sensor does any better. Detail-wise, the Mi9 does very well here, avoiding any noticeable noise reduction or sharpening filters.

The wide angle again had a bit too warm colour temperature and this time around I’d also say the exposure is lacking in highlights, avoiding much in the top 10% of levels which results in a bit flatter image. Details for a wide-angle are very good.

The zoom is showcasing similar behaviour, a bit off colour temperature and lacking a bit in the brighter highlights of the scene.

Click for full image
[ Mi9 ] - [ S10+ (E) ] - [ S10+ (S) ]
[ Xperia 1 ] - [ P30 Pro ]
[ Reno 10x ] - [ G8 ] - [ BlackShark 2 ]
[ RedMagic 3 ] - [ Pixel 3 ]

When under cloud cover, the Mi9 seems to also do well in terms of exposure although in this particular scene the flowers look overexposed. The main sensor’s limitations here seem to be solely related to its hardware capabilities, notably lacking behind in sheer dynamic range to be able to capture the petals correctly.

The wide-angle shot is excellent and amongst the best. The reduced viewing angle with the 16MP sensor resolution means the Mi9 gets amongst the most detailed shots among the wide-angle crew. It showcases what the G8 could have been if it didn’t have a post-processing smear filter.

The telephoto here lacks a bit in dynamic range and thus blows out the details of the petals of the flowers.

Click for full image
[ Mi9 ] - [ S10+ (E) ] - [ S10+ (S) ]
[ Xperia 1 ] - [ P30 Pro ]
[ Reno 10x ] - [ G8 ] - [ BlackShark 2 ]
[ RedMagic 3 ] - [ Pixel 3 ] [ iPhone XS ]

The next scene was locally overcast, however still showcasing a bright sky in the background. This confused the processing on the Mi9 a bit as the shots between the main and wide-angle weren’t consistent in terms of their exposure, with the wide-angle being far too dark.

The fine power lines against the bright sky also serve as good subjects showcasing some of the HDR/sharpening drawbacks – we see some odd step-wise artefacts on the Mi9’s towards the centre-left lines, with generally some more noticeable brightness halos around the lines. The latter are also extremely pronounced on the Snapdragon S10 so it’s not something unique to the Mi9.

Because of the exposure issue, the wide-angle isn’t very usable in my opinion. The zoom camera is extremely competitive and I can’t see immediate flaws.

Click for full image
[ Mi9 ] - [ S10+ (E) ] - [ S10+ (S) ] - [ Xperia 1 ] - [ P30 Pro ]
[ Reno 10x ] - [ G8 ] - [ BlackShark 2 ] - [ RedMagic 3 ]
[ Pixel 3 ] - [ iPhone XS ]

Indoors, the Mi9’s main camera sensor is good, but we’re again seeing some hardware limitation of the IMX586 we’ve seen in numerous other phones, such as the reduced dynamic with less details in shadows.

Daylight Camera Conclusion

Overall, I found the cameras on the Mi9 to be very good and also quite competitive. I think this may be the best implementation of the IMX586 in terms of daylight capture results, with Xiaomi traditionally having good calibration resulting in balanced HDR and good colour temperatures. Things weren’t always perfect and there’s shots here and there which were a bit off the mark, but it’s nothing too bad. I think overall, it’s a better main sensor camera experience than the OnePlus 7, both phones being otherwise equal in hardware.

The wide-angle on the Mi9 also was excellent and is above-average in this category. Xiaomi avoids any obvious degrading post-processing and the 16MP thus shines in terms of detail. It wasn’t quite the best in terms of exposure as sometimes it wasn’t consistent with the results that the main camera produced.

Finally, the telephoto was also very good and competitive with good amount of detail, actually achieving some of the best results amongst the 2x optical modules out there. I didn’t see anything particularly wrong here for the Mi9 so it’s a definite positive result.

Overall Xiaomi did a good job on the cameras of the Mi9 – at least in the context of what the sensors are able to achieve.

Battery Life Camera - Low Light Evaluation
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  • Redmyth79 - Friday, September 13, 2019 - link

    I'm going to call Bullshit on your scores because I have the Note 9, S9+ and the Xiaomi Mi 9 EU Global ROM and my scores including FPS and a lot of things you have posted here do not come close to the performance I'm getting.
    My Mi 9 best every phone you have up there in most every one of those test.
    It lost to the ROG 2 and Black Shark 2pro in a couple area's but very limited. Matter fact though, what makes anybody with a ounce of common sense know that this testing is completely fabricated bullshit is the fact that the S10+ is up top or near the top in a lot of spots because the S10+ has the worst testing of just about any 855 chipped phone. Furthermore you have the S9+ rated higher in certain test that I personally ran and there are official results from those very testing sites saying your results are off by more then a 1000 points in some areas with the S9+ even.
    I don't get the sham going on here but it just ruined any credibility this site ever had!
  • NXTwoThou - Friday, September 13, 2019 - link

    Are you still using the stock rom? I'm pretty sure AnandTech didn't bother getting the latest greatest(and probably hasn't had it long enough to get unlocked or I know my phone had a huge performance difference after a few updates.
  • Andrei Frumusanu - Friday, September 13, 2019 - link

    It's running the latest OTA on a commercial EU unit, build date July 9th. The phone's been out long enough that didn't go finishing for nonpublic firmwares.
  • Redmyth79 - Friday, September 13, 2019 - link

    What update? What's the number 10. What?
    I currently have and have not complaints except for the fact that around the 10.2.26 update I lost the ability to control saturation, sharpness and contrast.
  • Andrei Frumusanu - Saturday, September 14, 2019 - link

  • Redmyth79 - Friday, September 13, 2019 - link

    So you understand what I'm calling bullshit on is the performance charts with GPU and CPU test with the many test. The one thing the Xiaomi Mi 9 truly excels at is CPU, GPU and overall speed and gaming experience always running at the top of any flagship out. The only one I've seen close is the OnePlus 7 pro.
    As far as your end review, I saw your camera info, you are wrong in a few areas here as well.
    The Xiaomi Mi 9 does have a advanced EIS that is not like others but is actually a advanced form of OIS with a extra sensor that watches the movement of the OIS to give it more accurate and faster info to make proper adjustments to make the Mi 9 one of the most stable of all current smartphones in 4k@30 video.
    Any YouTube reviews and also dxomark will show this without question up amongst all the rest.
    If I can post the link to the Mi 9's EIS I will do it here for those to read up on it.
    Last, I don't have a issue with low light pics and most reviews show the same bit it's not of the level of the Note 10+, P30 pro or Pixel without Gcam for night shots.
    Of course you have to put in the http/www part on that link.
  • porcupineLTD - Friday, September 13, 2019 - link

    A new fanboy arrives.
  • Redmyth79 - Friday, September 13, 2019 - link

    Fanboy of what I've always been a Galaxy fanboy sense I've owned all from S4-S9+ but the Mi 9 is truly a game changer to me
  • NXTwoThou - Friday, September 13, 2019 - link

    As a fyi, I've taken some rather craptackular shots with my Mi9. I've also taken some astoundingly good ones. Previously I was Lumia 950 and 920 before that. I'd been used to relatively good cameras on my phones. Lack of OIS is a big deal and the EIS doesn't make up for it. I have some health issues that cause trembles, my older phones it made zero difference, with the Mi9 it's very apparent when I'm having a bad day. Even when I'm not having a bad day I can still get bad shots where the same environment had previously been no issue for my previous phone.

    The Mi9 is an insanely good value. I love my phone. I just recognize the issues presented in the article are valid.
  • Jon Tseng - Sunday, September 15, 2019 - link

    If you have good benchmarks and data post them rather than ranting.

    Talk is cheap if you're too afraid to back it up.

    Anandtech has years of best in class work around mobile performance analysis. Forgive me if I give them the benefit of the doubt.

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