Camera - Low Light Evaluation

The Mi9’s expectations for low-light photography shouldn’t be too high: The IMX586 wasn’t a fantastic performer in any phone until now, but on the Mi9 it’s exasperated by the fact that the phone lacks OIS, a critical missing component to be able to get sharper low-light shots. Here’s to hope that the Mi9 at least managed to do adequately compared to the competition:

Click for full image
[ Mi9 ] - [ S10+ (E) ] - [ S10+ (S) ]
[ Xperia 1 ] - [ P30 Pro ] - [ Reno 10x ]
[ G8 ] - [ BlackShark 2 ] - [ RedMagic 3 ] - [ Pixel 3 ]

As expected, things aren’t off to be a very good start here. Comparing the Mi9 to the Reno 10x with the same hardware, we’re seeing relatively similar compositions between the two phones. The difference here is that the Reno is able to capture an exposure twice as long at half the ISO level of the Mi9, which has to go up to ISO7066 in this scene. The Reno still managed to end up with a vastly sharper image, all in likelihood thanks to the OIS it employs.

Thankfully, the Mi9 does have a computational photography night mode. The mode does help the phone a lot in terms of exposure, however it just can’t too much in terms of enhancing details and lacks behind the night modes of other phones.

The wide-angle doesn’t have the option to use the night mode, and thus ends up quite disappointing and uncompetitive.

Click for full image
[ Mi9 ] - [ S10+ (E) ] - [ S10+ (S) ]
[ Xperia 1 ] - [ P30 Pro ] - [ Reno 10x ]
[ G8 ] - [ BlackShark 2 ] - [ RedMagic 3 ] - [ Pixel 3 ]

The next shot unfortunately ends with similar results. Without night mode, the Mi9’s capture is just disastrous and reminded us of devices 3+ years old, maybe even worse. Night mode makes things passable and useable, however if we compare the night mode of the Mi9 against the automatic night mode shot of the Reno 10x, the results are just incomparable.

Click for full image
[ Mi9 ] - [ S10+ (E) ] - [ S10+ (S) ]
[ Xperia 1 ] - [ P30 Pro ] - [ Reno 10x ]
[ G8 ] - [ BlackShark 2 ] - [ RedMagic 3 ] - [ Pixel 3 ]

Same with the next shot, night mode makes the exposure passable, but it’s just lacking in any kind of detail.

Click for full image
[ Mi9 ] - [ S10+ (E) ] - [ S10+ (S) ]
[ Xperia 1 ] - [ P30 Pro ] - [ Reno 10x ]
[ G8 ] - [ BlackShark 2 ] - [ RedMagic 3 ] - [ Pixel 3 ]

Extreme low-light becomes a blur.

Click for full image
[ Mi9 ] - [ S10+ (E) ] - [ S10+ (S) ]
[ Xperia 1 ] - [ P30 Pro ] - [ Reno 10x ]
[ G8 ] - [ BlackShark 2 ] - [ RedMagic 3 ] - [ Pixel 3 ]

Indoor dim lighting actually ends up better with Night Mode off for the Mi9 as at least it’s able to resolve some detail, with the mode on it becomes another unusable blur.

Low-light Conclusion - Terrible

Overall, Xiaomi’s choice of not employing OIS on the Mi9 is very costly in terms of the low-light photography results. The phone just isn’t competitive in any kind of scenario and the results are quite most terrible. Don’t expect to be able to do much at all after the sun sets.

Camera - Daylight Evaluation Conclusion & End Remarks
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  • Shlong - Friday, September 13, 2019 - link

    Then disable your adblocker. Hard to pay the writers, server bills, when 70% of your users are ad blocking.
  • PeachNCream - Friday, September 13, 2019 - link

    If a hypothetical 70% of your audience is blocking ads on the site you run, maybe it says more about the advertising than the site's visitors.
  • valinor89 - Friday, September 13, 2019 - link

    I used to periodically disable the adblocker for this site, but each time I had to reenable it because sometimes it has obnoxious ads, autoplay videos, pop ups that hide content and what not.
  • s.yu - Saturday, September 14, 2019 - link

    Does this really work? Are you sure that it's the displays not the clicks that generate revenue? If it's the clicks might as well click all the ads once in a while and block them all when reading.
  • Shlong - Tuesday, September 17, 2019 - link

    So which sites don't have annoying advertising? I use adblock but for sites I frequently visit, I disable, like at Anandtech, Ars-Technica, and others.
  • FunBunny2 - Saturday, September 14, 2019 - link

    "Then disable your adblocker. Hard to pay the writers, server bills, when 70% of your users are ad blocking."

    that's a great gulp of Flavour Aid. think about it, for just a second. will folks who choose to conserve bandwidth (both on the innterTubes and their brains) by ad blocking be likely to ever, ever, ever click on such ads? the answer, of course, is never, never, never. IOW, the ad revenue driven sites are scamming the ad buyers, by 'selling eyes'. which is exactly the same way that print media went. and the innterTubes sites proclaimed that they were oh so new and disruptive. right.

    sites have the tech to sell click-throughs, rather than eyes, but they're scared shitless to do that since the number is minuscule. not to pick on AT specifically, of course. all these sites have the same problem. if they did sell click-throughs then ad blocking is a non-issue, of course.
  • Qasar - Saturday, September 14, 2019 - link

    sadly i use an ad blocker as well, i tried disabling it once, and man.. the ads are EVERYWHERE, makes most of the site practically unreadable. and the auto playing videos, are MOST annoying.
  • Shlong - Tuesday, September 17, 2019 - link

    They are annoying but if people continue to block the ads, Anandtech and similar sites won't be around for that much longer.
  • Korguz - Tuesday, September 17, 2019 - link

    then they should tone some of them down, or like some have asked, switch to a paid version with no ads.
  • FunBunny2 - Wednesday, September 18, 2019 - link

    "Anandtech and similar sites won't be around for that much longer."

    once again: sell based on click-throughs and be done with it. selling 'eyes' is a total scam. in fact, selling click-throughs just might, might lead to better ads, not just more obnoxious ones. :)

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