Battery Life - Impressive

Battery life is a fundamental characteristic of a smartphone, and something that Huawei seems to want to pay special attention to due to the CEO’s obsession with being personally fed up with smartphones running out of power.

The P20 comes with a 3400mAh battery while the P20 Pro sports a 17.6% larger 4000mAh unit. Both represent an improvement in terms of capacity when compared to the P10 (3200mAh) and the P10 Plus (3750mAh).

Web Browsing Battery Life 2016 (WiFi)

In the web browsing test both P20’s perform extremely well, topping the charts. While not quite reaching the Mate 9’s figures (due to its very efficient LCD), the P20 Pro outpaces all other modern smartphones that we’ve tested, coming in at 12.20 hours. The P20 also isn’t far behind at 10.66 hours.

PCMark Work 2.0 - Battery Life

In PCMark, the P20 Pro showcased some record figures coming in at 12.3h, beating all previous flagship devices. The smaller P20 also fares very well – but the LCD screen is holding back the device as PCMark’s overall lower APL seems to favour the P20 Pro’s OLED display a lot.

This is also an interesting juxtaposition between the P20 Pro and say, the Galaxy S9+ with the Snapdragon 845. Both have similar AMOLED screens and sizes, but the P20 Pro comes in at a 51% longer runtime, even though its battery capacity is only 14% bigger.

Compared to last year’s P10 – both P20’s mark significant improvements.

In general this perfectly showcases the balance that companies have to make when deciding between performance and battery life. Although the Kirin 970’s isn’t the greatest performer in 2018, it’s able to remain outstandingly efficient. The fact that the P20’s have larger batteries while maintaining slim form factors is just a bonus on top what is fundamentally a requirement of having an efficient SoC and device platform.

Over my time with testing the device I did notice a catch in the battery life of the P20s – both seem to have less than impressive idle standby times, however given the overall outstanding on-screen battery results, this should be of no particular concern to everyday users.

Display Evaluation & Power Camera - Daylight Evaluation
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  • FreidoNumeroUno - Monday, June 18, 2018 - link

    Yes, but the review is about a phone, right?
  • FreidoNumeroUno - Monday, June 18, 2018 - link

    I think all the points are valid. You are a pretty good observer.
  • s.yu - Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - link

    I generally agree, though Samsung's oversaturation is an undersaturation most of the time compared to Huawei, 1020 does give very natural colors and there's a pretty clear advantage of the old 1020 sensor all round compared to this messed up quad-bayer crap. Allaboutwindowsphone made a simple but informative comparison while Android Authority made a comparison with somewhat telling samples though completely mess up analyses, they don't know what they're talking about and a few of the samples are outright misleading.
  • damianrobertjones - Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - link

    I still think that nothing beats the Nokia 1020 for photos. It's a shame that these phone makers are so very lazy and drip feed advancements. At least the P20 pro has a better camera.
  • Lau_Tech - Sunday, June 17, 2018 - link

    Thank you very much for the even handed review, Andrei.
  • wrkingclass_hero - Monday, June 18, 2018 - link

    "far too much blue shit"
    I normally avoid pointing out typos to those who are not native English speakers, but I believe "shit" should be corrected to "shift"
  • Andrei Frumusanu - Monday, June 18, 2018 - link

    The worst kind of typo to make! Apologies.
  • erple2 - Sunday, June 24, 2018 - link

    Interestingly, it doesn't really change the meaning of the passage all that much, just the tone. :)
  • lucam - Monday, June 18, 2018 - link

    When the iPhone X review? your dream...
  • s.yu - Monday, June 18, 2018 - link

    Andrei, you're just wonderful! I've been a skeptic of Huawei's boasts since I saw the first samples on Anandtech, then going through dozens of samples across many reviews I reached my own conclusions, different from any single review out there, that the P20 Pro in auto loses to the competition in terms of detail retention consistently from daylight to dusk, and gains an advantage from low light to very low light(although with quirky interpolation artifacts), while the so-called 40mp "quad-bayer" alone struggles to render as much detail as a 20MP standard bayer. Sub-3x zoom is just interpolation and loses handily to the competition while 3x and beyond the optics win, as expected.
    You're the first reviewer I've come across who really pays that attention to detail to conclude the P20 Pro's performance to that extent, I couldn't hardly have written a better review myself!

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