Windows 8 supports installation to removable flash media via a feature called Windows to Go. Your apps, settings, and OS can all be installed to a USB stick and you can easily move that between platforms. Microsoft demonstrated Windows to Go by booting a USB stick with Windows 8 on a desktop PC that had Windows 7 preloaded on it. After the demo, Microsoft removed the Win 8 USB stick and booted a laptop using the same drive.

Although it won't be the most performant solution, Windows to Go can be an interesting solution to quickly deploying on new hardware on enterprise clients.

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  • vapez3k - Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - link

    I hope this will fastest way to clean infected files by virus etc. I know some virus/malware/trojan/wathever... put code in windows registry. but still, it require some actual files to work. like old dos...
    yes, you can use winpe too. just hope this will give better integration with antivirus to work properly

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